While its tempting to take the summer off from university or college, getting a summer job is a smart move to make. Working a summer job helps you build an attractive resume while growing your professional network.
1. Boost your CV A summer job is a great way to build your CV and gain valuable experience in a flexible way. Summer jobs allow you to gain valuable relevant experience without disrupting your academic goals.
Having hands-on experience will allow you earn a competitive salary once you graduate. It also shows you are able to balance work and academic commitments at the same time. Your college degree will be more valuable paired with a resume full of experience. To brush up your CV here's some handy tips.
2. Test a career path
It’s not often that you get to trial run a position before you apply for it. A summer job gives you a chance to fully understand what certain roles involve in different industries. They also allow you to work out what work environment is right for you.
Your summer job is the perfect opportunity to determine what you do and don’t like. Learn what you excel at, and what roles might be right for you. This will help steer your job search once you graduate.
3. Get job skills Living on the North Coast we are lucky enough to have a growing Tourism and Leisure industry, the opportunities available locally are an envy to the rest of Northern Ireland.
Some of our workers have even turned their summer jobs into full-time, long-term, career.
4. Find out what you like to do Summer jobs offer the opportunity to try out new skills and experience new possibilities. This helps you make choices around your next move, whether its A Levels, further education or something to add to your personal statement. Sometimes it prompts a complete change of career direction and at the very least will help you get your next role.
5. Make friends After all summertime is all about having fun and making memories. A summer job allows you to meet new people and make new friends. Focus on your interests and goals and find a summer job that closely matches them. You never know what doors your summer job will open in the future
If you would like to find out more about what jobs are currently available visit our website, give us a call on 028 7032 6600, email info@riadaresourcing.com or message us on social media. - Team Riada -